Joel Beam: Let Them Know About MRSA!

It was the most informative two hours of my day when on Thursday, Nov. 8, in Dede II of Indiana State University; Joel Beam talked more about Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA).

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Joel Beam earned a bachelor’s degree from East Carolina University, a Master of Education degree from Clemson University, and a doctorate in education from the University of North Florida. He is currently an associate professor and director of the Athletic Training Education Program at the University of North Florida.

Beam defined MRSA, elaborated on how the infection is contracted, and how it can effectively be prevented. The infection, Beam said, is usually developed from person-to-person contact, sharing of towels, razors, soaps,water bottles, hair clippers, clothing, and more. He also advised to refrain from “cosmetic shaving”- shaving any other areas of the body other than face and legs (this applies to men). This MRSA infection usually develops from pimples, pustules and boils that have pus. It is also very easy to contract the infection by using a poorly treated whirlpool when one has an open wound.

Fortunately, the preventive methods are easy but most people don’t seem to take these seriously. Good hygiene is very essential for the prevention of this infection. Beam recommended washing hand often with soap and warm water, washing towels and athletic gears after each use, taking a shower immediately after any activity,  maintain clean equipments and facilities, and cover wounds and skin lesions before participation.

I was happy to attend this function, because i had no idea what MRSA was and neither had i heard of it beforehand. I didn’t also realize that hygiene played a larger role in our lives, and failure of its consistency could cause harm. I also really liked the interactive nature of the lecture, and everyone had a chance to throw questions at the speaker. As i am a curious being, i have been looking up research and journal articles about MRSA, so i can learn what i can and share with my friends and family. I would also encourage you to do the same if you have little or no knowledge about MRSA.

2 thoughts on “Joel Beam: Let Them Know About MRSA!

  1. Bad news: I usually hurt myself when I shave. You article is a good one. Thanks for such an informative post. You have raised my awareness about MRSA. I want to keep my wounds well covered; however, I have a sensitive skin type which takes a long time to heal.

    • You’re welcome dear! I have a really sensitive skin as well and my wounds take forever to heal 😦 . As they say “prevention is better than cure”, so you still have to keep your wound clean and covered. 🙂

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